Sunday 20 February 2011


A: I hadn't seen her for ages. Hasn't she gained much weight?
B: Well, actually she's gained too much ego.
A: Poor little thing... She was so slender a few years ago.

Tuesday 15 February 2011


A: Would you define me as a rebel person, a constant seeker of motivation, a permanent observer who neither move nor accept orders from others, included himself?
B: Not actually, I'd define you as the laziest guy I've ever met.
A: You're able to kill poetry...


A: "You know how much I admire your strong personality, how difficult,- I'd rather say- impossible it is to manipulate you... By the way, I've forgotten my wallet. Would you mind paying the drinks again?"
B: "You aren't trying to manipualte me, aren't you?"
A: "How come, you know that's impossible".
B: "Ok, then".


A: "I can't understand how you repeat the same errors once and again..."
B: "Are you referring to the fact that I married the same woman three times and I've divorced her also three times?"
A: "Well, yes, I'm referring to that but also to the fact that since we're having lunch, you've already forgotten three credit cards on the table and you've been stolen it three times as well..."


A: "Don't you remember anything special about the person who attacked you?"
B: "It was too dark, you know, I just remember that with his first hand he held me tightly, with the second one he spanked me, and with the third one he seized my wallet... Well, nothing special, officer".


A: "You should be a little more communicative".
B: "Why do say so?"
A: "Well, actually, your photograph is more talkative than you".


A: "I'd give anything to get that woman..."
B: "Even your soul?"
A: "Impossible. I've already given it to get my last Porsche."


A: "Then she chased me out as if I were a dog."
B: "And what did you do then?"
A: "I just barked."


A: "Once again it was great making love with you..."
B: " ... "
A: "Yes, my darling, I always pay attention to my daughter's reactions. I don't want her to find out I'm having sex with you, her favourite doll."


A: "We never understood each other... What a pity, I really liked her."
B: "Well, perhaps it's time I told you that you both spoke in different languages? Didn't you ever notice?"


A: "I left my wife when I found out she was a kind of vampire"
B: "Did she suck your blood?"
A: "Not really, my credit card"


A: "Have you ever loved me?"
B: "Let me remember..."


A: "Our relationship didn't work. She was too spiritual".
B: "And...?"
A: "Well, have you ever tried to reach an orgasm with a woman who looked like a bearded, blind, ninety-year-old Tibetan master?"


A: "How much do you love me?"
B: "In kilos or in pounds?"


A: "Do you remember anything special of the moment when she broke down with you?"
B: "Sure... The glass bottle where I was served the water. I took it home after dinner".


A: "I can't stand people, most of them are crazy out there".
B: "I agree..."
A: "That's why I withdrew to live in the zoo, friend gorilla"


A: "I don't know who I really am".
B: "I don't either".
A: "But, you or me?"
B: "Neither


A: "I think I'm too honest..."
B: "What d'you mean?"
A: "For example, yesterday somebody broke into my place and stole my bag. I couldn't avoid running after him, reach him and give him 350 euros because the bag was fake..."


A: "The past came back and knocked on my door".
B: "And what did you do? Did you open the door?".
A: "Not really. It kept on lacking an instruction booklet".




Ele amava-a intensamente. Não suportava o pranto dela. Desfazia-se. Por isso matou-a enquanto dormia. Ela não chorou.