Monday, 7 March 2011


A: We are all victims of our decisions. That's too hard.
B: Yeah, you're right.
A: The point is to make thirty or more decisions per hour.
B: What do you mean? Are you changing your mind every three minutes?
A: No... I mean I have to correct thirty or more exams per hour...


A: I really fell in love with the wrong person...
B: With whom?
A: With myself.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


A: Have I ever told you I love you?
B: Ehhh... not, really!
A: Then I won't tell you.


A: I miss the most important being of my life...
B: Your wife?
A: No, my self-esteem.


A: I'm the most skeptical person you've ever met.
B: How come?
A: How come, you say? I don't even believe myself.