Tuesday, 27 August 2013


The baby would cry all nights. He spent all nights just weeping, stopless, unceasingly. John and Mary, their parents, didn't understand what was wrong with the kid. Suddenly, one night Mary's mother came for a visit and slept with her grandson in the room. The baby slept all night without producing any single sound.

"My mother is an expert in babysitting", explained Mary the next morning. "She'll have to move in here... It's for our child's sake".

John felt desparate, but he didn't have the courage to say what he actually thought, to say a word against his mother-in-law, who apart from everything was the ugliest person he had ever met. Exactly, that was the key: all the night creatures that frightened the child at night were afraid of Mary's mother. Yes, that was a logical explanation... The room monsters were afraid of his mother-in-law, even more than himself.

Frantz Ferentz, 2013

Sunday, 25 August 2013


The minister approached the car and stood in front of the policeman who was fining him for having parked in a prohibited area.

"Sir, you have parked your car in a prohibited area", reported the police officer who began to fill in the fine.

"Do you know who you are talking to?", the minister asked the policeman trying to sound absolutely arrogant and powerful.

The policemen gave up writing and spoke:

"I'm talking to your tie, sir". Then addressing the tie, the officer said: "Would you mind explaining the gentleman wearing you that cars may not be parked in unauthorized places? Maybe he will listen to you, because you seem to be the most intelligent part of this gentleman".

Frantz Ferentz, 2013


Whenever the child needed to escape from his mum to avoid being told off, he just hid in his own navel. It was the perfect hideout, except for the dust layer that got accumulated there. The child was forced to wear a mask while hidden.

Frantz Ferentz, 2013


"Stop kidding", said Ann while putting the glass of wine back on the table, "do you really mean you'd commit suicide if the person you say you love most in the world quit you?"

"Exactly", answered René gazing at her.

May I know who's that person you love so much?", asked Ann full of curiosity.

"You may: it is myself"

Frantz Ferentz, 2013


"You'll have to choose between tobacco and me".

The man heard the woman's ultimatum with a cigarette among his fingers. He first looked at the sad figure standing in front of him and then to the sexy burning cylinder he was holding. The man would have sworn the cigarette was loosening its bra straps and was winking him an eye.

The man's reponse was to take a long puff and intend he was having an orgasm.

Frantz Ferentz, 2013


Kh. was convinced that the respect for religious principles and politeness to women were perfectly compatible. He looked through the window and saw the woman completely wrapped in a black sheet hanging the wet clothes on the rope. He thought his wife deserved a compliment. He just said to her:

"You look so pretty today".

Suddenly he felt a strike on his forehead. Then he fell dead, fulminated. He hadn't had time to realize that that wasn't his wife, but his neighbour's, who had heard the compliment and was not so liberal.

Frantz Ferentz, 2013


What the conservative Prime Minister liked most were ethic principles. That is why he would smoke one every night before going to bed.

Frantz Ferentz, 2013

Saturday, 24 August 2013


The drunkard asked the man who was in front of him actually his reflect on a mirror:

"Do we know each other?"

The man's reflect moved the head from left to right trying to deny the evidence and go unnoticed.


The conservative PM was firmly opposed to euthanasia for ethical reasons, except on one occasion when it affected his own conscience; he himself helped his conscience die quickly and painlessly.

Frantz Ferentz, 2013


The man suddenly stopped, gazed at the woman by the bar and asked her:

"Excuse me, haven't we met before?"

She smiled kindly and said:

"No, we are supposed to meet in our next life", and she kept drinking her gin-tonic, while he took his way to the toilets regretting not to be already living his next life.


He had never understood why everybody fell asleep whenever he introduced himself. He believed it was because of his weird voice pitch, but the truth was that his name contained an ancient spell that made people sleep... However, his godmother did know it. But she found it so funny...

Frantz Ferentz, 2013


As a writer, he was worldwide famous, but actually nobody had read him.

Frantz Ferentz, 2013