— Why do you ask?
+ Well, I had a dream, a beautiful one, but they came up and told me they'd steal it to me. And then they seized my dream and it disappeared in thin air.
— And who are they?
+ Doesn't matter who they are. They stole my dream, that it is what counts.
— Let me tell you something. A long time ago, they -those were other 'theys'- also tried to steal my most shining dream. They also came up in the middle of the night and tried to seize it from me; and my dream disappeared in thin air, like yours.
+ So you lost your dream, didn't you?
— Not at all. Dreams may not be caught. They just fade away, disappear in thin air, just because they got frightened; and then, when you don't expect it, they turn up again. Dreams can't be stolen, my dear. They know how to protect themselves. So my dream came back for me to fulfil it.
+ And you did?
— Of course. So just wait for your dream to return any day, any time, anywhere.
Frantz Ferentz, 2014
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